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Southwest Public Schools



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Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences are Friday February 7

Parent Teacher Conferences for the Elementary will be held on Friday February 7 from 10:00-5:00. 

To schedule your conference, click this link:  www.signupgenius.com/tabs/63272DD07A6CEEFC24-ptconferences

Note: Make sure you select your child's teacher before you schedule a conference. 


Here are instructions:

If you're using a computer, you will see tabs across the top for each teacher.  If you're using a mobile device, you will see a dropdown menu.  Choose your child's class (and on a mobile device you will need to click the "Go" button).  Find an open time slot that works for you, and click sign-up.  Click the "submit and sign-up" button that appears below, and then you will need to enter your name and email address.  When you see a "Thank You" message, you know you have successfully signed-up.  You will also receive a confirmation email, sent to the address you entered. 

Please complete this process for each of your children, preschool through 5th grade. 

Please keep these things in mind when signing up:  
1.  You will be asked for your name and email address.  You do NOT need to create a Sign-Up Genius Account.
2.  To change between grades/classes on a mobile device, you will need to click the GO button.
3.  You will get an email confirmation when you have successfully scheduled your conference.

Note: Make sure you select your child's teacher before you schedule a conference.